Typical recipes Klenyem Java

Bye Hello again, this time I will give you a simple recipe how to
process cassava with minimal material but with results maxsimal.
This time we will make klenyem, for Java people like me might already
know klenyem was like, If you do not know klenyem is processed cassava fries
in it given sugar as a flavor enhancer.

Talking sweet sweet definitely make you drool yak,
we just created our klenyem, danger, among others:
  • Cassava
  • Palm sugar

Nahh simple right .. ?? Simple yes only with material 2 That we can make a scrumptious meal,
pembuatanya Immediately following ways:

1. Peel the cassava and wash them clean, after washing and then grated
2. Shape flat rasp was then put stuffing sugar
3. Shape round round like meatballs (about the size of a ping pong ball Bulatanya should not be too big
    because if it is too big when frying later stuffing sugar will not be cooked perfectly)
4. Fry until golden orb earlier, if it had been one of the main lift and divide brownish balls missing ball
   (Pick one wrote because for example) If stuffing sugar was melted means klenyem can already enjoy)
5. Remove and drain, arrange on a plate and ready to eat any klenyem

Easy right ... little material can create a scrumptious meal,
the food at the top could be in kreasikan again loh both added milk or cheese to taste you wrote,
probably got here first do not forget Shere yes and if there is a request
recipes please comment below, so off I'll see you at the next recipe.
Typical recipes Klenyem Java Typical recipes Klenyem Java Reviewed by Jay on 3:26 AM Rating: 5

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