Recipe Ice Fruit Simple

Lunch all back again nih ama gwe. Lunch during the gini padas delicious iced drink yak,
certainly dong let alone see the image above become even more drool deh ..

Here I want to share a little tutorial ya make Fruit Ice with combustible material in the can.
direct the tutorial

Prepare equipment and first danger:

Material :
Ice Cube, Fruit (melon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, avocado) I use fruit that is in the can,
Dairy / Syrup, Water Already in cooking, Sugar.

ES shavings, bowl, spoon for eating, and others as needed Other aja
Step manufacture:

1. ES Using Planer shavings until smooth if you do not have ice in tangerine / destroyed
it and enter into the container
2. Peel all fruit and Iris in the size of your favorite (calculated guess himself wrote)
3. Boil water + sugar (do not forget to give a little pandan flavoring)
4. After waiting a mature sugar water to cool (do not enter his ES)
5. After the cold sugar water Put fruits and ES had then stir do not forget to add milk as a flavoring
6. Enjoy

A few tips from my yes, the above materials can be customized to suite your
taste kok ama aja material availability semain many more delicious anyway,
Do not forget Shere yes and forward recipes else would I update

Recipe Ice Fruit Simple Recipe Ice Fruit Simple Reviewed by Jay on 12:30 AM Rating: 5

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