Typical recipes Getuk Java

Afternoon all meet again with me. This time I will
know how to make getuk very delicious. Who does not know
Getuk the food is very tasty and easy to make, Getuk derived from
cassava and has a very good, food is very rich in carbohydrates,
If you do not know getuk try to find outlets must be really,
this cake is almost sold in the entire market in Indonesia.

Getuk itself comes from the cassava puree and often eaten with
grated coconut / palm sugar are in melt (Juruh) Immediately, this
time I will give you quick info how to make getuk.

Prepare ingredients danger Namely:

Vanilla (Food Colouring)
Grated coconut
Palm sugar
Of water approximately 1/2 Liter

Step manufacture:

1. Cut pieces and steamed cassava, cassava Cut should
    not be too big to be easily within penghalusanya stage.
2. If cassava is ripe lift and puree, menghaluskanya preferably in a manner so that the
   texture of mashed cassava had become congested.
3. If it is fine, please give food coloring and knead until smooth
   (I use food coloring to make it more beautiful).
4. Put into Matter / Form pleased you.
5. Serve on a plate with grated coconut as topingnya / Javanese melted sugar
   as a sweetener.

So easy to make getuk right way,
do not forget this getuk can kreasikan again anyway,
probably got here first, okay, do not forget Shere and if you have a request
recipes please request via the comments below,
I'll see you at the next recipe.
Typical recipes Getuk Java Typical recipes Getuk Java Reviewed by Jay on 3:09 AM Rating: 5

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