Typical recipes Utri Java

Hello Slamat lunch jumpalagi nih ama me, this time I will share a recipe how to make UTRI.
Perhaps many of you who do not know what it utri Hahahaha pantes
because utri usually synonymous
with Tanah Jawa, food is made from Singkok / Sepe combined
with coconut and palm sugar.
Chewy and sweet flavor synonymous with this snack. wah nih way continue to be so hungry
we just created Utri Alla You alone.
Ingredients include:

Cassava is grated, shredded coconut, and sugar wahh simple
right but the result is guaranteed joss deh

Phase pembuatanya:

1. Mix the grated Cassava (Must still raw) with grated coconut
2. Mix well
3. Make the dough flat and give sugar to taste then cover the dough
4. Once the dough slesai wrap banana leaves (Make adonanya on a
banana leaf wrapper just let easy)
5. Steam until cooked (Approximately 30 Minutes)
6. Lift up and ready to serve

Wahh easily the more simple, the food above can kreasikan again lohh,
and do not forget the delicious food over if eaten while still warm if already cold
 will feel hard and will not chewy again.

I do not so much from lupashere and look forward to the next update ya
Typical recipes Utri Java Typical recipes Utri Java Reviewed by Jay on 1:04 AM Rating: 5

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